Welcome to The GCPS ARCHIVE. This is your gateway to the biggest on-line repository of historical documents, pictures, and general information relating to the history of Granite Creek British Columbia.
Frenchy Obituary in the (Kamloops) Inland Sentinel June 25, 1913.
Frenchy Obituary Kamloops
Frenchy Obituary in The Vancouver Sun March 22, 1913.
Frenchy Obituary Vancouver Sun
White Gold and Black Diamonds – The History of Granite Creek and Coalmont
Read about the 1885 Granite Creek gold rush and stories about old timers.
To download this book, click here.
The Story of Similkameen
Rev. John Goodfellow's writings are well respected for their accuracy and attention to detail. The Story of the Similkameen was published in 1958 and is probably the first really authoritative work on the history of this area.
A book written by the historian, Rev. John Goodfellow. (.pdf) and transcribed by Diane Sterne.
Roundup Magazine issue 273/2018.
BC Museums Association Roundup magazine article about Granite Creek
and the GCPS today.
Application of F. P. Cook for 160 Acres of Land.
To an Order of the House for all correspondence ...
1888-1892 Daily Colonist Newspaper articles relating to Granite
Granite Creek continues to be in the news.
Reuter article from 1921 about four miners returning to collect their platinum stash.
After 30 years, four Chinese men return to Canada and succeed in finding 6 pounds of platinum which they had hidden.
Scapbook of 1887 newspaper articles.
Miscellaneous clippings from 1887 Daily Colonist relating to Granite Creek.
Only The Bills Are Left.
Article in The Vancouver Sun, October 23, 1954, about the last residents. By R. H. Nichols.
Daily Colonist - 1886 Excerpts
Scrapbook of Articles Relating to Granite Creek. From the 1886 Daily
Colonist Newspaper. (.pdf)
Daily Colonist - 1885 Excerpts
Scrapbook of Articles Relating to Granite Creek. From the 1885 Daily
Colonist Newspaper. (.pdf)
The Granite Creek Graveyard. Two articles by Diane Sterne, published in
The Similkameen News Leader: 1/
Etched In Time 2/
Anatomy of a Graveyard
Edward Cook Obituary - 2006
Ed Cook was the son of
Granite Creek Pioneer, Foxcrowle Percival Cook (.pdf)
Granite almost had a coal plant.
Nicola Valley News 1910 -
"Modern Development Plant for the Coal Fields at Granite Creek" (.pdf)
Bill Barlee and the $60,000 question.
Similkameen Spotlight - May 17, 1995 - Government to Develop Granite
for Tourism.
Old Mining Camp Almost Blotted Out by the Swift Running
Flames. Government House, Hotel, Store and Postoffice Burned.
Granite Creek Fire - two newspaper stories from 1907
More insight into Granite Creek people, and a resource for genealogists.
Collection of Obituaries
Prospectors Manual - designed for the use of emigrants, tourists, sportsmen and
goldseekers. With full instructions on how to get there and what do do on arriving there.
Prospectors' Manual - P. L. Trout - 1886
Granite Creek gold mines (6.5MB pdf)
Machine Gun Fund - 1915. In all, $116.30 was raised by the locals in Granite
Creek and Coalmont.
The Granite Creek Machine Gun Fund (pdf)
The reminiscences of an early settler in the Similkameen country, from the
first issue of the 1905 Similkameenthe Hedley Gazette and Similkameen Advertiser.
In Days Gone By - from the 26th report of
the Okanagan Historical Society, 1962 (pdf)
"Coffin Room" between the town sites of Granite Creek and Blakeburn.
The Coffin Room - by Diane Sterne. (pdf)
If you have an interest in the history of the Tulameen valley, mining district,
and Granite Creek
please become a member of the society.